How to Properly Transition on Software End of Life

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From time to time, a software supplier announces that an application will have no new features and functions, no new releases, bugs are not going to be corrected, and they will stop providing support.  In short, it has reached end of life (“EOL”).

For a user, EOL of an application can range from a minor inconvenience to a major issue for mission critical systems.

When dealing with the end of life of software, it’s important to plan and execute the transition process carefully to minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth transition.  The objective of the transition planning is to minimise disruption to business processes and ensure that as far as possible, external relations are unaffected.   This is particularly important for IT Security systems, where being up to date is vital.

Obviously, there may be occasions when normal operations are affected, but these should be planned for times that have a minimum effect on business.  It may be that temporary outsourcing is needed to cover longer losses of service, or to act as a backup and recovery option.

One option is of course to continue to use the software beyond EOL, ignoring the potential effects of the EOL announcement.   This is not an option for IT Security applications.

Here are some steps to help you properly transition during the software end of life:

Understand What is the End of Life (EOL) and what it Means

Start by thoroughly reading the official EOL announcement provided by the software vendor. Understand the reasons for the EOL, the timeline, and any recommendations or alternative solutions mentioned.

Evaluate Impact and Risks

Evaluate Risks

Assess the impact of the software’s EOL on your organization. Identify critical functions or processes that rely on the software and evaluate the risks associated with continuing to use it beyond the EOL. Consider factors such as IT Security vulnerabilities, compatibility issues, and lack of support.

Identify Alternatives

Identify Alternatives

Research and identify alternative software solutions that can replace the functionality provided by the end-of-life software. Consider factors such as features, compatibility with your existing systems, support, and cost. Consult with relevant stakeholders, including IT staff, department heads, and end users, to gather their input and requirements.

Develop a Transition Plan

Transition Plan

Create a detailed transition plan that outlines the steps, timeline, and responsibilities for migrating from the end-of-life software to the chosen alternative. Include tasks such as data migration, system configuration, training, and testing. Assign dedicated resources to oversee the transition process and ensure smooth execution. Consider temporary outsourcing.

A vital part of the transition is backup and recovery points in the process.  It must be possible to recover to an operational status should any part of the transition plan fail.  In addition, business will continue, and regular additional backups of operational data are needed, and must be planned.

Communicate with Stakeholders

Communicate with Stakeholders

Clearly communicate the EOL and transition plans to all relevant stakeholders, including employees, customers, and partners who may be impacted by the change. Provide sufficient notice and explain the reasons behind the transition. Address any concerns or questions they may have and keep them updated throughout the process.

Migrate Data and Configurations

Migrate Data and Configurations

Develop a strategy for migrating your data from the end-of-life software to the new solution. Ensure that data integrity is maintained throughout the process and perform thorough testing to verify that the migrated data functions correctly. Also, configure the new software to match your business requirements and integrate it with other systems if necessary.

Training and Documentation

Training and Documentation

Provide training and documentation for users who will be using the new software. Conduct training sessions, create user guides, and establish a support system to help users adapt to the change. Address any specific challenges or differences between the old and new software to ensure a smooth transition.

Technical training may be needed for implementation and support staff.

Test and Validate

Test and Validate

Before fully decommissioning the end-of-life software, thoroughly test the new software solution to ensure it meets your organization’s requirements and functions as expected. Validate that all critical processes are working correctly and perform any necessary adjustments or fine-tuning.

Implement and Decommission


Once you have completed testing and validation, implement the new software solution, and gradually decommission the end-of-life software. Monitor the transition closely during the initial period to identify and address any issues promptly. Provide ongoing support to users and gather feedback to further refine the new solution if needed.

Maintain Security and Compliance

Security and Compliance

Throughout the transition process, pay attention to IT Security and compliance requirements. Ensure that the new software is secure and adheres to relevant regulations. Update access controls, implement necessary security measures, and train users on any new security protocols.  Again, technical training may be needed for implementation and support staff.

Final Thoughts

Remember that each software transition is unique, and the steps above may need to be tailored to your specific circumstances. It is recommended to involve your IT team, project managers, and relevant stakeholders to ensure a successful transition.

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